2020 Government Relations Wins

NAIOP GTA advocacy wins in 2020:

  • Successfully exempted commercial real estate development from paying Community Benefit Charges (CBCs). As originally proposed, CBCs would have significantly increased the cost of non-residential development. This exemption ensures that CBC’s more closely replace Section 37 density bonusing;
  • Worked to encourage reconsideration of Toronto’s plans to move forward with several revenue tools, including the parking levy and the stormwater management fee, by highlighting the detrimental impact on commercial real estate and related job creation opportunities;
  • Opposed the removal of the development charge exemption for Toronto’s commercial real estate sector. This work was undertaken through extensive political outreach and collaboration with industry partners highlighting the need to keep Toronto’s commercial sector competitive;
  • Engaged the Ontario Ministry of Finance on several issues (including Business Education Taxes, Property Tax Ratios, Highest and Best Use Assessments, etc.) of importance to NAIOPs membership, which spurred the Ministry to hold a formal review of taxation and assessment issues in Ontario. NAIOP is actively involved in this review on behalf of our members;
  • Worked with the Waterfront BIA to move the Waterfront LRT expansion project up the City’s priority transit project list. This project will support current and future investments for both the residential and commercial sector and will dramatically improve connectivity;
  • Supported the Waterfront BIA’s expansion efforts, leading to a successful initial vote in favour of expansion. The final vote will be completed on October 20th. The expansion will make the BIA one of the largest in the City and help them advocate more effectively on issues relevant to NAIOP’s membership – including waterfront transit and community enhancement for residents and office workers;
  • Drafted several submissions and attended numerous consultation meetings on a wide range of issues, including:
    • Community Benefit Charges
    • A Place to Grow Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
    • Removal of the Commercial Development Charges Exemption
    • Enhancing MTOS highway corridor management system
    • Property Assessment and Taxation Review
    • Amongst others
  • Provided frequently, timely updates on COVID restrictions and re-opening plans ;
  • Organized and hosted a roundtable discussion with leaders in the Government of Canada responsible for the CECRA COVID support program. The event allowed NAIOP’s national membership to pose questions directly to CMHC executives and senior Department of Finance officials. Over 325 NAIOP members from across Canada participated in the event.
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